The first time I entered my in-laws small home, stairing me in the face, was their wood framed family altar. On top was placed a beautiful silk scarf with gold fridge and their family bible. As a young teenager, courting their son at the time, I was truly impressed by that. It scored points towards my goal of a potential "Christian" husband which had always been my desire. I wanted someone as much like "my" Daddy as possible. As a daughter, I realize how blessed I am to be able to say that and to also have received. Since then, their home has been beautifully renovated and it's more than doubled in size. All the children are gone and the family altar as well. We have never come together as a family there without prayer and devotion of some sort.
This causes me to there a church in your house? Are family, friends, neighbors members of it, or are some still not saved? This was a desire of Philemon but yet he had a wicked servant. This servant did wrong towards his master and ran away. As the story goes the prayers of Philemon followed his servant, (as I'd hope my prayers would always follow my children). The servant eventually heard the preaching of Paul. He not only returned to his master with a changed heart but also a beloved brother and another member to the church in Philemon's house. I LOVE THIS STORY!
I realize that I can move ALL common affairs into my home with deliberate holiness, diligence, kindness, and integrity. More is expected of a church than an ordinary household. Internal love must be warmer and unbroken, and external conduct must be sanctified and Christlike.
Let us pray that He will give us grace to go forth from our "House Church" and shine in this world to the glory of His name.