Have you ever had the blessed priviledge of being loved by an extrodinary individual? I mean VERY extrodinary. It is an experience above all others. The love is so great that you see no fault and don't believe that a person that has this overwhelming ability to make you feel completely loved can do anything wrong. You can't even explain it. Hardly no one else has come close to this kind of love (except mama). It is a love and relationship like non other. It isn't a love like a mate to a mate, a sister or brother kind of love. It is very very close to the love of an exceptional mother, father, grandparents and bodyguard rolled into "one" person.
I have had this kind of love that started before I knew I ever existed and it was cut off way before I wanted it to while in middle school. Her name was Dora Anderson Wilson, affectionately known as Aunt Dora. She was double kin to me. She was the sister to my maternal (big mama) grandmother's father, which made her my great great aunt first. She later married and became the second wife of my maternal (big daddy) grandfather's father, which made her my step great grandmother. She raised my grandfather from the age of three after his mother died and was a wonderful step-mother. She was also very much in the life of my grandmother (her niece) from the time my grandmother lost her mother at age eight years old. She became an Angel to many during that time. She was very much a nurturer, teacher, role model, and mentor. Very quiet and unassuming. She was plain and average looking with dark brown, beautiful, soft skin and very soft fine hair. She stood about 5'1" and about 65 lbs over her ideal weight. To lay against her or rest on her lap was very cozy. She was a devout Methodist and Godly woman who prepared wonderful Sunday dinners and holiday meals. She had NO patience with unruly children. She knew how to put you back in check and on the strait and narrow path.
My mother was her pick of the liter out of eleven children my grandparents had, and she took her to live with she and her husband while mama was a small child. After my parents were married and had me they were still living with her until relocating to the city where they reside presently. I was about 18 months old at the time. The story goes that I became very very ill as an infant and it was she who stayed up for days after the doctor gave up. She nursed me back to health, smearing me with all kind of stuff and praying so loud that the neighbors could hear. I am not supposed to be here according to that story. She became completely deaf after a bout with smallpox as a young adult. She learned how to read lips perfectly on her own. You would not have ever suspected she could not hear anything. When I was about five years old one warm sunny summer day in the country; she and I were walking through the woods on a narrow trail. I was singing (as usual) as I skipped along behind her. Little did I know (but her instincts did) that a whipping snake was making a whistling sound coming up behind me. She grabbed me and ran to safety. Listen, I was walking behind her, the snake was behind me, she was COMPLETELY deaf, how did SHE know about the snake? The family's reply to MANY stories like this one was always...."nobody but God".
I could go on and on about her unconditional love and I'm sure she will come up again in another blog. The only other person who shares this sentiment with me and knows exactly what I mean about Aunt Dora is my own mother. She also had this kind of love from her. I'm blessed to be loved by so many other people. I have great parents, an incredible husband, loving children, grandchildren, etc. and I am truly blessed. I thank God daily that I have them.
I pray that All of you experience a "human" love like this on this side of the Jordan. I know her love was sent from the very heart of God, for He IS love. I thank God for the human touch of my loving family but especially my Aunt Dora's. Thank you God for giving exceptional love through your Son Jesus Christ. I truly loved her and I know without a doubt she loved me.
Thank you Aunt Dora!
Mrs. Dora Anderson Wilson 1882 - 1966
Proverbs 31:10-31