Saturday, August 30, 2008

"Don't Worry, Be Happy"

We can all agree that we have had some good days and we have had some bad ones. Our Pastor tells us every Sunday morning that "EVERY day is a good day when you love the Lord". Each time he says this, especially when I have had a tedious week of struggle, it convicts me. I began evaluating whether I spent to much time worrying than I should have. Then I think about where would I be without God. Knowing without Him my circumstances would be fatal. There is hope in Jesus. In spite of how bad I think it is...because of Him, it is a good day.

What makes YOU happy? I know it could be a variety of things. What is the top five? The things money can't buy or do you think....more money, more happiness? Certainly, it could buy less worries... don't you think? Come on, be real. Worries out of the way could make way for happiness, right? I'll give you a minute to think about it. Are you going to answer what is politically correct or do you have a different analogy about real happiness?

The word tells us many things about having joy and contentment. There are ways to have such happiness. First of all the believer should take care that our happiness has its foundation in the Lord (Psalms 43:4). We should be happy and rejoice that He sits on the throne and He rules all things. The Christian delights not only in what God is, but also in what He has done. So let His people tell of His mighty acts. A real good and happy day for me is thinking upon His goodness and praising Him because He's God. In recent days I have been shouting about another storm he just brought me through. This feeling of great relief to a problem solved. Thank you Jesus! "It sure is a happy day" (quote from Gone with the wind).

Let us not cease from rejoicing. As new mercies flow, our gladness in the Lord's loving acts and grace should make us thankful. It should make us happy and it should make us sing (Exodus 15:1-2). Let us be glad in the Lord.

Matthew 6:31-33

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"A Charge To Keep I have"

In the process of anwering many emails and my response to some of my blog family members, I have reflected on many seasons of my life lately. I have thought about (thanks to Rev. Aaron) the very early memories of my childhood. I have also thought about my relationships with the opposite sex and its experiences, and how I came to fall in love with an incredible man. I shared with my youngest son not long ago that with life comes more and more experiences to share. I have communicated so much of my life, the good and the bad, with many who seek answers to so many questions about what they are facing. It is strange how they are drawn to me even before their own family members or parents. All I have is life's lessons to draw from along with the word of God to warn of the do's and don'ts of a particular issue. I have been approached by Pastors seeking a female's point of view ocassionally. I believe and I KNOW God has given me these life experiences and stories to share with "whomsoever" for such a time as this.

As the Pastor's wife, when "I" have questions, when "I" am in despare "WHO" (humanly speaking) am "I" to go to? To my Pastor? What if the issue at the time may be WITH my Pastor? I have had to struggle many times alone and lonely. It was only God who brought me through when I felt no one would understand and/or would make light of my concerns. Then here comes Satan. Trying to conquer my soul at it's most vunerable time. I am wide open. The struggle gets more intense because I have to deal with the discouragement tactics of the devil PLUS the problem at hand. I am grateful that I have gathered along the way some astonishing victories and praise reports.

After the ocassional conflicts life brings I have found that for me a revival has to take place within my soul. I sing songs like "Take me back where I first believed" to relive my rebirth into the life of Christ. Then I say to my soul that "I made a vow" a long time ago and I'm determined to reach my goal. As Pastor Kraig so plainly puts it..."this is just a shift in the wind" on my Christian journey. It can be all good today, then the wind shifts and I'm fighting to remain strong in the Lord. God has found favor in each of my attempts bouncing back with a greater witness and determination. It has been proven to me time after time that God does answer prayer.

And finally, I rejoice being always reminded that "A charge to keep I have and a God to Glorify an ever dying soul to save and fit it for the sky" I will take nothing for my journey thus far and gladly share what I have learned and overcome to help strengthen others for this same pilgrimage. Thank God for His amazing restoring and keeping power. I will remain steadfast until this race is over with the help of the Lord.

James 1:12

Friday, August 22, 2008

Vi's Expressionism...

Hello Blog Friends,

Since becoming a new blogger, I have been anxious to put my thoughts to blog on a regular basis. That is not always an easy thing to do. I have been hanging around you fellas for quite a while now, even before I started my own blog. I couldn't wait to see what you wanted to share and talk about each time I logged on. I always tried to hold myself back from being the first to comment. That didn't always happen.

I was itching to put my "two cents worth" in (and still do) on every subject you all talked about. So far I haven't messed around or commented on the sermon outlines. I do read them and learn a few things in the process. You had me going to my study bibles and dictionaries many times. It is a welcomed and refreshing challenge. I was really happy when my thoughts, insight, outlook, and conclusions coincided with yours. I was REALLY thrilled when Pastor H.B. Charles preached from my favorite scripture (you all know it) and placed the outline on his blog. Ocassionally, I have had a few questions (sometimes very painful) for you to answer. Thank you for your patience and sensitivity to my dilemmas even though you didn't know who I was.

So far I have been gathering my Sons blog buddies and you have been very gracious to me. If you are just humoring your Pal's Mom, don't worry, maybe the newness will wear off quickly and I will be off into a new thing. You can incorporate that request into your daily prayers (LOL). We all know God will hear and He answers.

I am not through gathering new blog constituents. So far I have been hanging out with some of you Pastors. I look forward to inheriting the Sistas, Brothas, Young People, and folks of other cultures. I anticipate learning even more and the sharing of one another's lives.

I had the need to communicate this to you since you are still getting to know me as your new blog friend. I pray that some that I am about to gain are reading this and will comment. I get sooooo excited to see you stop by. It makes my day. I really really do honor every prayer request and hope you do the same for me.

So, I can hardly wait, I want to know...."What do YOU think about "Something"? Blog me.

Monday, August 18, 2008

"Black is not only Beautiful But..."

I like many others have been preoccupied by the media with subjects, opinions, accusations and curiosities of the African American or Black sociological culture. Recently, I have even seen old movies resurface on just about anything that will better enlighten other ethnic groups on the subject. They give a "standing on the outside looking in" prospective on the everyday life of the African American. Almost every talk show, major television newwork special, professional panal discussions, etc. are putting it on out there. Why Now? I have my thoughts why we (blacks) are so closely analyzed at this particular time in history. I think it is a good thing to come out of darkness into the marvolous light about anything. I am just so surprised how until now, there was no initiative.

I was reading a couple of articles in my issue of Jet magazine. I came upon a headline in the communication's section entitled "CNN's Black America Report Sets Viewing Records". It goes on to say that the documentary series "Black in America" was the highest rated program in its time slot. It aired two nights "The Black Man" and "The Black Woman & Family" with over 2.6 million viewers both nights. The article did not say black viewers only. Another article: "Vogue Italia Goes Black" informs Jet readers that Vogue released an all black issue in July for the first time EVER. Featuring black related subjects, only black models, they even included an article on Ebony magazine. It sold out in the United States and England in less than 72 hours. It went back for reprint for 30,000 copies for U.S., 20,000 for Italy and 10,000 for Britain. Am I the only one amazed by this?

For some reason, NOW our diversities must be made clear. Is it because "if I am to follow you, take instructions from or let you have authority over me, I've got to completely understand you? Isn't the character of a human being and individual enough? I was young when President Kennedy campaigned. For some reason I was intensely interested for my age. I don't remember documentaries made of his ethnicity (an Irishmen) or religion (Catholic). As a people we wanted to know if he was going to be sensitive to the issues at hand. We had some serious "Negro" issues and problems in that day. We had to trust blindly that he was the candidate that could best serve the entire american society and not put blacks on the back burner. One thing I do remember. Hearing the opinions of our Pastors, Elders and seniors of the black community. They were concerned that whomever was to take office in our government, had to be saved. A person that was filled with the fear of God and would head this nation in a manner that would reflect Christian beliefs.

So, what I have heard, read and seen lately,"Black is not only Beautiful but Profitable"

This is my "two cents worth" I'd like to get yours. Be Blessed.

Friday, August 15, 2008

BonVoyage My Kwee...On to the Next

This is our first born Grandson

Kory LaQuess Pullam

Affectionately known as Kwee

by Me

Today has been a strange kind of day for me. I am feeling fine since fighting a summer cold for awhile. I have been going through some minor emotional spurts throughout the day. Because Kory leaves for college camp today before the fall semester starts. He won't be back until he has a fall break. This is his first college year and he will be off on his own without his parents and of course "me".

I have been reflecting all day of his many transitions since his birth. I was there at the hospital when he took his first breath. I could not believe I was somebody's Grandma. I was to young to be called that so, Nana it was going to be from now on. He touched my heart in a unique way. I didn't think that would happen again as lovingly, after the birth of my own sons but it did. Everything seemed as though it was a first for me all over again although I had been a mother three times already. The firsts were so exciting again.....LOOK, he smiled, he laughed, sitting up on his own, Did he say Mama or Nana? Oh boy! he took his first step. We all were so proud to see him take on each challenge like a champ. With each new conquest I felt as I always did about Kory's dad (Kevin)...there is nothing he can't do, so on to the next.

Well, it's been a lot written in your history since that first step. Grade school, sports, acne, hurt, pain, driving lessons, prom, graduation, etc. Now, it's on to the next.

Again I feel like he is about to take his first step. I know there is a possibility of falling but there is no doubt in my mind that he will get up and eventually began running. There will be some more firsts before him. May he choose always to follow Christ in all of his ways.

I know his parents are feeling much of the same way that I am, probably even more so. I pray for all of us as we settle into the idea that Kory is off and running. He has been prepared for this season in his life. I am sure he will have a safe journey.

Bonvoyage My Kwee


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Weez Here Fellow Bloggers!!

Well I finally made it to the wonderful world of Blogging. I have been snooping around for a while on many of your blogs and putting in my "two cents worth". Thought it was time for you to return the favor. I am anticipating the possibility of gaining some wonderful blog friends. I don't know if I will post daily, weekly, etc. I will however do so when my mind is stirred up to do so. I will expect your complete honesty in your comments. NO REPROBATE MINDS ALLOWED. So, Dont be shy, lets share. I have an open mind to exchange insights and ideas as long as the subject matter is decent and in order.

All I have left to say to annouce my arrival is a quote from my favorite movie

Gone With The Wind

"Weez Heah Miss Scarlett"