Friday, August 14, 2009

"Happy Birthday Kraig"

Reverend Kraig Lowell Pullam

On August 13th, 31 years ago on a Sunday night around 11:20 p.m. I was placed in a wheelchair and taken to the labor unit at Spohn Hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas. I was accompanied by my husband William and my mother-in-law, Arlena. My husband had just started a brand new job with the IBM Corporation, so I sent him home to go back to sleep, so he could go in to work the next day THEN come to the hospital to be with me. This left me alone with my mother-in-law sitting quietly in a dimly lite room. I was in terrific pain. My Mother-in-law couldn't stand to watch. After about an hour, she went to sit in the waiting room. This left my baby and I all alone trying to get the job done. In the 70's you wouldn't know what gender your baby would be until after the birth of the child. Unless the doctor order a test for a particular reason or for high risk issues, you would remain in suspense, hoping and wishing for your preference. I would lay there between each contraction rubbing my belly, talking gently to my anticipated little girl. We already had two sons, and my husband (having had no sisters) desperately wanted a baby girl. All through the pregnancy, I hoped for a girl for his sake.

Off and on during my first two hours there, my nurse would come in to do a physical examination. Being that I was an employee of this same facility, I knew that this wasn't normal procedure at this stage in labor. I became alarmed and started asking pertinent questions. After the staff finally came to the conclusion they couldn't put one over on "one of their own", they decided to tell me their's and my doctor's concern. Being that my baby girl was two weeks early, she had not yet turned completely, and settled into the birth canal. They were trying to assess whether to take me to surgery to do a C section and/or halt my contractions. Before that determination, I asked to have a little more time because I didn't want to have a C section. After turning me on my right side for 45 minuets, the next exam resulted in my baby being in the right position, but it would take time, pain and a lot of pushing to settle her down far enough to be born naturally.

Three hours after that, around 6:30 a.m. My baby's father walked into the room and I was SO glad to see him. He had called his Supervisor and told him, his wife was in labor and wouldn't be in. My Mother-in-law wasn't seen again after she left the room earlier, and had returned home once William had arrived. Shortly after his arrival it was time to PUSH. My back was hurting and seems like every place else was out of joint. I got angry when my husband wasn't saying anything to help me. When he did say something, it was the WRONG thing, so I wanted him to shut up. After telling him hundreds of times that this was all his fault, and a few other kind words, it was time to wheel me into the delivery room. For some reason during that time, this particular hospital would not allow the father to join in the delivery room. So, he kissed my forehead and said he loved me, and walked down to the father's waiting area.

Before they knocked me out under general anesthesia, I was again upset when a doctor came in all dressed in OR attire and I found out that he wasn't MY doctor. It was another doctor taking the calls of my doctor while he was out of town for the weekend. It was a physician I was use to working with all the time, but for some reason didn't get along with very well. I was in smothering pain, so I didn't take much time to care about that. GIVE ME DRUGS PLEASE! NOW!!! Then on to some serious pushing....

As I was coming out of my deep sleep, I heard the sweet voice of my little baby girl, crying at the top of her voice. Then I heard voices of the doctor and attending nurse telling me to open my eyes, take deep breathes, and that I had a big, beautiful, healthy, baby........... B-O-Y !!!... What?... Again? I felt a mega second disappointment (mostly for my husband), glanced to my left where my precious baby was placed, and instantaneously fell in DEEP unspeakable
L-O-V-E !

Kraig Lowell Pullam was born Monday, August 14, 1978 at 7:40 a.m. After 10 hours of labor. Weighing 6lbs. 14oz. and 21in. in length. He was a breast feed baby for 10 months. From the begining he loved kisses from his mommy. I had a visit from an Angel regarding him at age 4 days old (another story).

I love you Kraig. I have not once regreted that you where not a girl. You have been a joy to my heart all your life. You were an easy child to raise. You have never been any trouble to us. I consider you as one of three of my greatest accomplishments in this life. Although, you have done most of the work becoming who you are today. I am grateful to God and feel privileged to have played a major part in bringing forth, nurturing, and raising one of His chosen men of God. I PRAY to God for you daily. Have a wonderful and happy birthday.

I love you very much,
With my Whole Heart!



p.s. Today is also the one year anniversary of my entrance into Blogging.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Used -vs- Loved

I came across this little story and I was holding on to it so I could post on Father's Day. I was ill on that day, and didn't feel much like doing anything but staying in bed and taking my medication. So, it is a wee bit late for the holiday but it's appropriate anytime. Something to think about.

To whom it may concern.....

Used -vs- Loved

While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines in the side of the car. in anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times, not realizing he was using a wrench.

At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father.....with painful eyes he asked, "Dad when will my fingers grow back?"

The man was so hurt and speechless, he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times. Devastated by his own actions.....sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches the child had written....


The next day that man committed suicide....Anger and love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life...

Things are to be used and people are to be loved. But the problem in today's world is that, People are used and things are loved.

Be Watchful

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions,
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits they become character,
Watch your character it becomes your destiny.

Stay Faithful and Be Grateful.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Birthday!! William/Pops/Bebop/Melvin

As a young girl and for as long as I can remember my ambition was to become a wife, a mother and a Nurse. I thank God that I have accomplished all three.

My dreams of being a wife brought about pre-conceived notions and expectations. In my little girl mind, the relationship was always going to be exclusively mine and his. We would love each other deeply and forever, have perfect children (two boys and a girl) Have fabulous vacations and picnics, build a huge home where everybody would have their own space. We would send our children to the best colleges and they each would become doctors and lawyers in addition to playing an instrument in the church. Ultimately becoming grandparents to six perfect grandchildren that we could afford to spoil all the time.

In all of my little girl dreams, I would accomplish a perfect marriage, children and grandchildren. I would become an awesome nurse. I never once intertained the thought of "growing old" I just could never visualized ii in my mind. A husband over the age of 25 was really getting old.

On to my Reality:

I did get married, I did have children, and, I became a nurse. But, We also aged. Who knew? Today I have become the wife of a Sixty year old man. Didn't ever think we would get THAT old. Use to think aging was awefully bad. I have come to know it is such a blessing to see our lives mature and live these many life's experiences together. We can truly say We're not getting older, we're getting BETTER. I love every gray hair on his head, the lines across his forehead, and when his knee acts up. It all tell the story of a man of wisdom that has provided through hard work. I am blessed to have watched the transformation as I transformed along side of him.
Today is the 60th Birthday of my Husband and Pastor, Dr. William Lanier Pullam. I have been with him for 41 of those years and seen him go from one stage in life to another. He did it with dignity and great integrity through the good and the bad. I am so proud to be his wife. I wish him many more wonderful years, to live life to it's fullest and in the will of our Father and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for your love and devotion and being my best friend and most precious gift from God. Thank you for teaching me many things along our journey togther.

I love you Melvin.

Happy Birthday !!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sleeping on the Job??


Hello My Blog Family,

Thought I would drop in and let you all hear from me. I am well and blessed. I have really been busy lately and very shackled to my new vice...."facebook" A great communication's tool and a wonderful way to renew friendships, find new ones, and learn many exciting things. I thank God for a whole new network of friends and new discovered family members.

Today was a great day. I slept in because of a wonderful and streneous Mother's Day weekend in Houston, Texas, with parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, in-laws, and the Cornerstone Baptist Church family in which my son, Rev. Kraig Lowell Pullam is Pastor. After waking up and going through my morning rituals, I finally got around to replying to 20 Mother's Day text I received the day before. I returned a phone call to my Nephew, Mark Pullam in Denton Texas, then I spoke briefly with my brother, Rev. Monty Francis, in Dallas Texas. My husband invited me to see an afternoon movie, " The Soloist" starring Jamie Foxx. I ate a small lunch, and then we were off to the 4:00 p.m. matinee.

As we conversated along the way, we came upon an elementary school that had been let out about 45 minuets earlier (3:00). A school crossing guard is required to stay on duty until, withheld elementary students are released, and the nearby middle school is released for the day (at 4:00), so that those children can also safely cross the street of a busy intersection. My husband noticed the crossing guard first, and alerted me to look to my left to see her sitting in a folding chair, under a shade tree, on the corner of the intersection, by the school. Oh my God! She was fast asleep. She wasn't looking out for any children or the traffic. My husband chuckled at the fact, that he could visualize a child tapping her on the shoulder to wake her and say...."excuse me, can you help me cross the street please?" LOL. She was sleeping on the job. A very important job, that if it is not properly done, can prove to be very fatal.

After we left the movie, we ate at one of our favorite dinner places, Cracker Barrel restaurant. We have several favorite servers that we like. Today we had our 1st choice waiter, Mr. Nathaniel Stewart, who is the son of a preacher. He always share a problem, situation, or ask a question of a spiritual nature, or about raising kids or how to invest, etc. Today, he had a story about a testimony of a Muslim who turned Christian. He told of the resentment of this Muslim's father and a plot to kill him for disgracing the family. One day the Muslim's father ridculed him and gave him an ultimatum to either return to his Muslim religion or drink a poisonous mixture from a cup. He again refused the Muslim faith, then raised the cup high and said to the Lord..."for you I drink this cup". Nathaniel continued to tell us (with other customers waiting) that after drinking the poison, he was ordered to lie down and await his death. The Muslim testified that his body rejected the poison by regurgitation and did NOT die. He was then ordered to leave his home, and as he did, a servant was ordered by the Muslim turned Christian's father, to poison his son as he walked down the path by bow and arrow. With great pain, the Muslim continues his journey. Before the slow acting poison could kill him, natives found him and nursed him back to health, and he is a Christian Missionary today.

The entire time Nathaniel was telling this story, my mind could only think about how just a couple of hours before, we saw an employee sleeping on the job. Now, here is another employee, not only doing the job in which he was hired, but sharing a story of a real testimony of encouragement, to be steadfast and unmovable on our Christian journey.

I wonder if we are just doing what HAS to be done as Christians, or are we striving to go a little over the top for Kingdom building? God forbid that ANY of us, who claim to be a child of the King, is "sleeping on the job"!! Not only will it prove to be dangerous....but fatal.

Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

I Corinthians 15:58

Our Server
Mr. Nathaniel Stewart

Not sleeping.
Going beyond the call of duty.

Be Blessed!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fellowship during A.W.E. 4/8/09

As many of you know Pastor Kevin Pullam is having a month long revival that takes place each Wednesday of the month of April. I have been in attendance on each night so far. I must say, we have been blessed to hear a mighty word from two very gifted preachers already. It promises to be one of the city's most exciting and beneficial revivals we have had in many years. I know that it had to be God inspired to bring this together for such a time as this. Thank you Pastor Kevin for your step of faith and obedience to except this challenge to render unto God's people a chance to be revived and renewed through this great revival.

The first Wednesday of the month Pastor Lester Gillespie was the Evangelist. He did a marvolous job in his exposition of the word. He is from a long linage of Preachers and singers and he brought a message that brought a clearer understanding of today's issues and misconceptions. Even though, Pastor Gillespie did all of that....little did the congregation know one of MY sons was on the way for the second round of AWE.

Pastor Lance A. Mann was understandably under estimated by most since he had not yet made his debut in this area. It was immediately apparent to ME that the crowd was pleasantly surprised from the moment he began to speak. Oh My God!! We could have opened the doors of the church when he finished singing the song BEFORE he preached. I had heard about Lance's preaching, caught a small glimpse on utube, but... Mann, oh mann, oh mann!! He brought us up to another level. God really blessed him to preach. He is so gifted in all areas of the "art" of preaching. I'm not going to even talk about his tune on the end of the message. I thought he was going to hurt himself, REALLY!! We were all either on our feet or on the edge of our seats. He was Practical yet profound. Masterful exposition of the written word. He taught us, he advised us, he warned us, as well as giving us hope. YES, I'm bias. but, I KNOW preaching, I'm not a liar, I am an honest person, I try to be fair and I call it like I see it. All I can say is God be Praised for such a wonderful worship experience through the "foolishness of preaching" done by Pastor Mann.

Lastly, I would like to express, how honored I was to sit there in the midst of the congregation and beam with pride as his surrogate Mother. I stepped into the role of Lance's late Mother and was moved to tears as I felt what she would have felt if she had been in attendance. I know that kind of pride, because I experience it first hand whenever any one of my gifted, preaching, biological sons stand in John's shoes. We had great fellowship as a family the whole time he was here. Lance met new brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins that he will have for life. Everyone who has inquired about Pastor Mann since he left, addresses him as our son. Of course, it always brings a big smile on my face. Thank you Pastor Lance for coming to Corpus Christi, Texas and leaving it better than when you arrived. I can't wait to see you again.

Lance and I at the airport when he arrived in Corpus.

Pastor Arthur Lane and Pastor Lance Mann at the restaurant after we left the airport

Before Lance preached sitting in Pastor Kevin's church office

Pastors Kraig Pullam, Lance Mann, and Arthur Lane before service

My sons: Pastor Kevin, Pastor Lance, Bro. Keith, Pastor Kraig

Pastor Lance Mann at the Corpus Christi International Airport. On his departure back to Newark, New Jersey

These are just a few photos we took while our son Pastor Lance was in town. If you want to see all of the photos we took while he was here, you can view them on my facebook photo album. We had wonderful fellowship the short time we were together as a family. I look forward to the same experience with the rest of my Blog Sons in the near future.

Have a "Happy Easter" experience in Worship tomorrow! Be blessed.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tell Me Something...(Altered)

Yeah, it's really this time of the morning and I haven't been to bed yet. Well, I almost have. I signed off facebook around 2:20 a.m. and went straight to the shower and got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth, said my prayers, pulled back the covers and got into bed. I can never fall asleep without my tv on but it was off already because my husband had been asleep for a long while. I didn't want to disturb him so I left the room to sit in my arm chair in the den to watch tv. All of a sudden an earlier conversation came to mind and it bothered me a little. I wondered if I was alone in my thinking, if a man's point of view in this situation was so different from a woman's, or was I alone in my thoughts on the subject. Here's the thing....

......The rest of the original contents of this blog has been removed to protect the integrity of the commentators on my blog's comment page. I DO appreciate every one who helped with my predicament and perplexity with my bewilderment of the mindset of the sexes and/or thinking in general. I did learn a LOT more than I asked for within this particular blog experience, ESPECIALLY about my good and LOYAL friend, Melvin. Love to each of you.

Be blessed
Proverbs 3:5&6

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Break

Hello Family,

Well, I finally bite the bullet and crossed over to facebook. Kraig and Tony finally convinced me that I was a missing person over there. I was beginning to feel very lonesome here in blogsville U.S.A. because the majority of you were becoming acquainted with a new vice. Now it has become a vice of mine. I have very quickly learned where some people I haven't seen or heard from in years are located. I've seen some great pictures and glimpsed into a few of the "hanging out" sessions/parties of my freshman grandson and other college students of our congregation ~ lol ~. Very enlightening. Thanks Pastor Kraig and Tony for taking me by the hand and helping this old lady find her way to where the action is. The reaction to most of the young people that know me was... "I didn't think I'd ever see the day, you would be on facebook". Except my grandson, Kory. He knew it was just a matter of time.

I think I will be spending my Spring Break on facebook and a little less time here on the blog. There is a lot I want to see there. But, I didn't want to be AWOL without my blog family knowing why. I'm not sick, I haven't quit, nor am I discouraged. I'm taking some time off to do research. I will be checking on the family though. Behave yourselves. I'll be back soon. Love you.

Take care.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Kristian Lanier Pullam

This is my third born grandson. Today is his birthday. A very intellegent, "know it all", beautiful, low key young man. In my opinion he has the brains/smarts of both his parents, Kevin and LaTonya Pullam, and some mannerism of his Uncle Keith. He knows exactly how to be in FULL mode adolescence. And, I love him a LOT!

His name is Kristian Lanier Pullam. Affectionately known (by me) as Mini-Me. Yeah, you guessed it, he looks a lot like me. The older he gets, the more he comes into his own look. Nevertheless, still very handsome. Happy fourteenth Birthday Nana's Baby! May you have many, many, many more wonderful years. Be blessed.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Instructing Our Children"

This is my Grandson Kamaron LeSean Pullam. By the look of this fish, I would have to label him as a "fisherman in the
making". As a brand new fisherman, he is so happy and thrilled about his Catch of the day. Could he be in training for more important and meaningful prey? One of many GREAT CATCHES of a lifetime? In order to do anything well one should be taught, and give wise instruction from those who are equipped to do so.
It is suggested that our parents and guardians are charged to be good stewards over our children to prepare them for life and to exist on their own, fulfill their destiny and will for their lives. It is also a responsibility to guide towards the things of God.
We as believers and those charged to preach the gospel of Christ, take on the awesome task of the great commission mentioned in Matthew, teaching all nations, domestic and those abroad about Jesus Christ and the plan of salvation.

My Mama always told me that mission begins at home. It is a bad preacher who does not commence a ministry in his own home by precept or example. Yes, the heathen are to be sought, the highways and the hedges are to be searched, but home has first claim. Do not reverse the order of the Lord's arrangements.

Teaching our children is a personal duty. We cannot delegate it to Sunday School teachers or other friendly aids. They can assist, but this sacred obligation is primarily ours, and proxies and sponsors are unbiblical substitutes. Mothers and fathers must, like Abraham, teach their households the fear of the Lord (Geneis 17:23).

Parental teaching is a natural duty (Proverbs 22:6). Who is more able to look after a child's well-being than the parents or it's guardian? If you neglect the instruction of your children, you are worse than a brute and will prove to be powerless with a unruly, contrary, and rebellious child.

A family's religious instruction is necessary for the nation, the family, and the church. By a thousand plots, false teachings are advancing. One of the most effective methods for resisting its inroads, however, is almost neglected; namely, the instruction of children in the faith. Parents should wake up to its importance. My son Pastor Kevin, Kamaron's father, included in his sermon last Sunday, that he and his brother's were instructed by his parents, that ALL young men should read the book of Proverbs. There is great instruction through the word of God in Proverbs about most things you will face in life, even how to choose a wife.

Working in my church with the young people through our singing ministry (the St. John First Singing Angels) is a pleasant duty, to talk about Jesus to our sons and daughters, and through it God saves the children by the parent's biblical instruction, prayers and admonitions.

Who knows through this spiritual command of instructing our children as "fishermen in the making", will reap even greater rewards for the kingdom of God, and many GREAT CATCHES throughout their lifetime and generations to come.

"Tell your children about it. Let your children
tell their children. And their children
another generation

Joel 1:3

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Inner Fight

For the flesh lusts against the Spirit,
and the Spirit againt the flesh."

Galatians 5:17

This week I shared with my Son, some disturbing news of a friend of his (to protect the innocent, I will call this friend "Kemp"). By Kemp's inordinate behavior and uncontrolled vices, he has single handedly pushed himself against the wall. Not only is this a disservice to his young family, but it also contributed to him being excommunicated as a Pastor and gifted Preacher. The overall impression of most who are aware, seems to think (by the arrogence of Kemp) that there was no lessons learned from his fiascos. Unfortunately, from years of him burning bridges among his relationships, there is little tolerence by most in stretching out a brotherly hand only to be disappointed by Kemp's inability to take charge over his battles.

Knowing Kemp's family, when I first heard the news, I allowed myself to think, (Lord forgive me) "he was destined to fall into divers temptation". Having preaching Sons myself, I feel a great sense of urgency in this young man's situation. I felt horrible for borderlining into self-righteous judging. If not by the grace of God this could be ME, my family, my sons, and our situation.

In EVERY believer's heart there is a constant struggle between the old and the new natures. The old nature is still active and loses no opportunity to employ its deadly weapons against newborn grace. On the other hand, the new nature is always watching to resist and destroy its enemy. Grace within us will employ prayer, faith, hope, and love to cast out evil. Grace puts on the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:11)

These two opposing natures will never cease their struggle as long as we are in this world. We battle with ourselves from the Wicket Gate to the river Jordan. The enemy is so securely entrenched that it can never be totally driven out while we are in this body.

What adversary are WE fighting today? I want to tell Kemp and many others, do not be discouraged, fight on. God is with us. He is the healer of our wounds. Fight on, looking unto Jesus. Though the conflict is long and demanding, sweet will be the victory, glorious the promised reward:

From strength to strength go on;
Wrestle, and fight, and pray,
Tread all the powers of darkness down,
And win the well-fought day.


Keep Kemp, his family, church family, and his " Inner Fight" in your prayers.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


This is one of my favorite times of the year. Not because of any material gain. Although, it could be an added bonus. But, just setting aside a time to acknowlege and have a celebration of Love itself , to me is truly AWESOME. Recognizing all the wonderful people I love and cherish, and reflecting and communicating with all those I am privileged to be loved by, thrills my very being. I love the idea of love. I love everything love represents. I love being IN love with a significant other/my husband and everything that it entails.
Valentine's Day is also a special anniversary for my husband and I. This was the day we officially began courting one another. This happened after growing up and serving together in the same youth fellowship at the same church, then becoming good friends and confidants. My life changed after Valentine's Day 1967 that began my life's destiny. I regret nothing or would I change anything in my tranformation from being a singularity to a plural with William L. Pullam. By the goodness of God our plural has gotten bigger and bigger. He has richly enlarged our territory, and I am thankful.

Whenever my husband/pastor has the opportunity to introduce me publicly, he always borrow some of the lyrics of a song produced in the 50's that was sung by Sam Cook. The crowd always anticipate the words because he never fails to include them in his narration. I also have the words in print, matted, framed and it's one of my cherished posessions. Here are a few of the words.

You are the Apple of my Eye
my Cherry Pie
my Cake and Ice Cream
My Sugar and Spice
and Everything Nice
You are the Girl of my Dreams!

He has treated me as though I am everything that is good in his life. I have always felt loved through the good and throughout our struggles. But most of all, I thank God for His love and the awesome love displayed by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. John 15;13

Thank you for the Beautiful two dozen Roses
that reflects the beauty of our relationship
our Eternal Love

I love you William with my Whole Heart. You mean so much to me and there is non that can compare. Thank you for your Love and Respect. I'm yours forever and a day.

Happy Valentine's Day
to all
of my Loved Ones and Dear Friends
Be blessed

1 John 4:7

Monday, February 9, 2009

Finally Got Me!

I have done amazingly well not contacting any winter illnesses this season. Usually in early fall my sinuses act up really bad. I am very happy it didn't happen this time. We took our annual trip to Vegas the first week in November. My Mother was ill the whole time we were there as the result of her taking her yearly flu shot days before we left. I thought I was destined to get sick by being with her all week. It never fails that after being on a plane, I get a cold but neither incident caused me any trouble. During this past Thanksgiving at least 3 people that arrived for dinner had colds and I dodged the flu bullet again. While preparing for Christmas 2008 to be at my house, everyone called me at least once a week and DEMANDED that I stay healthy so our Christmas festivities would be accomplished. Christmas Day arrived and I was on top of my game, cheerful and energetic. As I greeted guests that showed up for the opening of gifts and dinner, every other person that came into my home had a cough or cold, including my Mom who hadn't gotten over her flu symptoms since Vegas. She was on her third round of antibiotics from her doctor. After a lengthy time of opening gifts with 25 persons in attendance, my kitchen crew and I put dinner on the table. Someone was missing from our circle of prayer. It was Kevin. It was his turn to say grace. I went to one of the bedrooms to look for him and he was shivering in a chair under a blanket. It turned out that he was in the begining stages of the flu with a 102 degree temperature. Kraig also had a cold, Kraig's baby son had a temperature and was throwing up, and Mama is still coughing. After Kraig and his family goes back home to Houston, my husband comes down with the same virus the baby had, but it's coming out the other end. STILL, with all of that, no problems for me.

I was concerned about my Mother because she again went to the doctor for the same cold since November and it is now January. She had a chest xray and more medicine to take. Still I had no symptoms of a cold. Now, we are days before getting on a plane to go to the inauguration. I am praying "please Lord, don't allow me to get sick" I didn't want such an exciting time to be tainted in any way. The Lord granted my request. I had a wonderful time, a great flight there and back.

BUT, ten days after we deplaned our fight back home here in Texas, It Finally Got Me. A sore throat, coughing, hot and cold flashes, body aches, upset stomach, no voice, speaking at a whisper, and a lot of drainage.

Although, there is no reason to feel joyous over how bad I am feeling at this moment, I am grateful that God was merciful and granted me the gift of sustained health. He allowed me to remain healthy so that I could fulfill the duties that were set before me, and my desire to take an unhibited trip to Washington, New Jersey and Philadelphia without any obstacles of feeling bad.

Thank you God! Please say a little prayer for me that I don't linger to long with this cold. I have no doubt that I am in his keeping care and healing hands. Until I'm feeling better, stay healthy, and I'll blog at you soon.

On my way back to Bed. Love you all.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Inauguration? I'm Almost Speechless!

We are back in Texas from the bitter cold of Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Newark and Jersey City New Jersey, and Washington D.C. We had a fabulous time visiting each place. We are still in awe of being a part of history in the making and having the opportunity to probe into past history. It was thrilling to glimpse artifacts of America in her infancy and chronological records of events in Philadelphia.

I am speechless and there are no words to capture the essence of our experience at the Presidential Inauguration. Not only could I not believe I was really witnessing such an illustrious celebrated occasion, but that I was truly there in the flesh. Great God Almighty!! The consensus expressed in all the news programs about the feelings, reactions of everyone in attendance and the aura of the event was 100% accurate in the many emotions felt by my family and I. I thank God for the opportunity, experience, and for simply allowing it to be so. Thank you God.

My husband and I were blessed to have the companionship of our son Rev. Kevin and his wife LaTonya on our trip. We had a great time of bonding and fellowship. I am certain this will be one of our greatest family memories.

Surely, there were many great moments. One of the highlights for me was having the opportunity and privilege of meeting my first born blog son, Pastor Lance Mann. As soon as he arrived at our meeting place in Newark, I realized how TRULY excited I was. My husband and Pastor Kevin greeted him first with a declaration, that if they hadn't brought me over to meet him, they wouldn't have been able to return back to Texas in peace. Lance was then introduced to my daughter in law LaTonya. He turned to look at me. I asked him if he knew who "I" was. With a great big smile on both our faces, he reached out his arms to embrace and annouced me as Momma V! This happened two days after the inauguration, before seeing and touring any of the other sites and cities. If nothing else had happened after meeting my Lance, I would have returned home very happy and satisfied. He did not disappoint me, he met my every expectation of him. He felt just like family, a fine young man. We had a great time of fun and fellowship. He showed us a few sites, took us to Jersey city to see the New York skyline and Lady Liberty. He also took us to a fantastic place to have lunch called Je's. It was the best meal we had the entire time we were on our trip including our meal of the famous Philadelphia cheese steak. Thank you Lance for everything. I love you.

This is a picture I took at a funeral of one of our beloved Deacons standing in front of our church a few days ago. I just wanted to show off "Momma's Babies" on my blog. Has nothing to do with my trip. They are (L to R) Mr. Keith Lloyd (33), Rev. Kevin Lanier (37), Rev. Kraig Lowell Pullam (30). They are so beautiful.

Dad, Mom and the Boys!

On to the Inauguration trip photos ...

I hope you enjoyed viewing just a few of MANY pictures we took. Wish you all could have been there with us. I hope some day I will have the opportunity to meet the rest of my blog family.

P.S. I was also excited to see Will Smith's (Fresh Prince of Bel Air) neighborhood and the basketball court that he played on in West Philadelphia. I saw the Rocky Balboa statue and Patti LaBell's childhood home also.

I said, I was ALMOST speechless!!!! (lol)

My grandson,
Kai Livingston Pullam age 5
son of Kraig and D'Ani (Dee) Pullam.
Blessings to each of you

Friday, January 16, 2009

Up Up and Away, We're Off.... see the Forty Fourth President of the United States, Barack Obama inaugurated on Tuesday January 20, 2009. I thank God for being able to witness such an awesome, historical event in the life of our nation. I can hardly contain my excitment.

I have prepared myself for a rigorous day of events since we will be lodging in Philadelphia prior to leaving for DC early Tuesday morning and getting to the site of the inauguation which will include a bus there and another shuttle. We will do the same getting back after the swearing in.

I don't know how much sleep I will get between leaving Texas EARLY Monday morning and arriving in Philly early afternoon of the 19th. We get our rental car and go to DC to pick up our inauguration tickets at the Congressman's office there before 6 p.m. Afterwards, back to Philly that evening. We then go back to DC at 2 a.m. by bus for the event on the 20th (gates open for ticket holders at 9 a.m.), then finally that evening back to Philly. We will be there the rest of the week. I already know that the best seat in the house is at home in my cozy chair and heat. But, we wanted so much to be there and the Lord opened a door and we were one of the 250 who won the ticket lottery offered in South Texas. It took us a week to finally believe we actually won.

I wanted so much to meet a couple of my blog sons while in the area but so far it is not looking very promising. I hope something works out though. You have my cell phone number, call me.

I'm asking my blog family to please be in prayer for my husband and I along with our son Pastor Kevin and his wife LaTonya as we travel by air, bus, shuttle, car, and possibly a train (lol). I am in great hopes that this will be an unforgetable experience, one that we will not soon forget.

Matthew 19:28-30

Blessings to each of you.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Kraig's kind of gift? Yeah, sort of.

Well, it's been a while since my last post. I have been pre-occupied with many things and preparations for the holidays. I do hope and pray that your holiday season was a blessed one and filled with family, friends and all the wonderful blessings of life that are "free" Happy New Year to each of you. Thank you Pastor Rhone for your concern and for checking on me.

My husband and I were riding along in our Escalade truck reflecting on our 2008 Christmas blessings yesterday afternoon. We always end up reminiscing on one of our Christmas' past and remembering our 3 young boys at home and how excited they would become. As parents it was a blessing to see them at times wanting to do more giving than receiving. I must admit that one (Kraig) was more prone to this than the other two at Christmas. This is really kind of strange since one of the other two (Kevin) that didn't have an overall giving spirit at this particular time of the year, was the one most giving all the rest of the year. Kevin is known as the "benevolent one" in the family. My son Keith? He LOVED getting new toys but would be upset if Mama didn't get what was to his approval like a puppy or pet snake (lol).

My husband asked during our conversation "do you remember the gift Kraig would give to you every year"? I chuckled and said (to his amazement) "I still have it in a box on a shelf in my closet, I will always keep it". Kraig was about 5 to 7 years old at the time. We had ordered a book entitled "Women of the West". Every year for my birthday, mothers day, and without fail Christmas for about three years in a row, he would pull it off the shelf, gift wrap it, and present that same book to me each time with overwhelming joy. The thing that was most amazing to me was watching the anticipation on his little face wondering how I would receive his gift, if I would like the gift, how proud I would be of the giver, and most of all anticipating my physical response of appreciation to him. Of course, each time my responses to his gift was exactly what he had desired. Although, at first I his memory so lessened that he doesn't remember from one event to the next that he gave me this SAME gift before? Then I would wonder, of all the hundreds of books we own, why THIS particular one? My husband asked "I wonder why he insisted on giving you this same book each time you had a holiday?" I thought about it and answered, there could be multiple reasons. Maybe he saw a need, or he was so pleased with my response and appreciation, he wanted to witness the thrill his mother would get by receiving the same gift I seemed to love each time before.

Just think about it. Those of us who exhort the true meaning of Christmas should NEVER become anesthetize of the joy and celebration of the "gift" that is represented in our Christmas season. The Master has made it possible for us to be offered this same gift over and over again because He sees the need, He is blessed by our appreciation, and it is a manner of praises to God when we are thrilled through our words, deeds and physical responses of "The same Gift"

I anxiously look forward to Christmas of 2009, and all the days and seasons that preceed to rejoice in "The Gift" and it's Benefactor.

And thou shalt have joy and gladness;
and many shall rejoice at His birth.
Luke 1:14